You can help.

Help us advocate for equitable access to capital and resources.

Support $1 Billion for the CDFI Fund

Make your voice heard.

The nation’s CDFI network must be fully engaged and financially supported to meet the challenges in our communities. We have seen unprecedented federal support over the past year, but we need your help to keep the momentum going. Members of Congress need to hear from you about how their constituents benefit from CDFI financing.

Extend and Strengthen the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC)

Read the NMTC Coalition’s sign-on letter to support the extension.

The NMTC has proven to be an effective tool to channel private-sector financing into low-income and underserved communities. Without Congressional action to extend it, the NMTC’s current authorization will expire on December 31, 2025. Please let your Congressional leaders know that you support the reauthorization effort and the New Markets Tax Credit Extension Act of 2021.

Renew the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program

This bill permanently reauthorizes and otherwise revises the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Bond Guarantee Program. Specifically, the bill (1) reduces the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program minimum issuance amount from $100 million to $25 million, and (2) reduces the amount allowed to be held in a CDFI's relending account.

Reforming the Community Reinvestment Act

Be an advocate for universal accessible capital.

Community development practitioners have long decried the modest levels of bank investment in low-income communities. An effective, well-enforced Community Reinvestment Act that keeps pace with the changing financial services industry is critically important. Read OFN’s recommendations on how to update and strengthen the Community Reinvestment Act.